【國際專案】國際獅子會Lions Clubs-國際基金會關懷身心障礙院生就醫專案!



(Lions Clubs International) 以行善傳承服務台灣社會,將國際捐贈資源回饋台灣眾人利益之事,以培養服務理念為事業基礎,在醫療發展、環境保護、人道主義與社會福利上同時切合國際潮流,為台灣社區帶來永續性的影響力!   每個國際捐贈專案其背後就是一個動人的故事,同島一命,目標在於照顧台灣弱勢族群、協助家庭支持體系、人道關懷與建構在地社會服務網絡,營造互助祥和社會的願景。哪裡有需要,就往哪裡去,為我們的國家與下一代建立永續性發展的未來,創建深化的價值思維,實踐公益社會共榮共享之使命。


    We're community-minded professionals. We have front-line practical experience and international experience in large-scale projects. We're creating sustainable services and making sustainable impact of projects, collecting information on local community needs, pre-and post-activity evaluations, tangible impacts and conduct community assessment. Through a partnership between Rotary International, seeking out new ways to translate our expertise into making a difference. By working together, the ultimate goal is to create a happy society for all in Taiwan!

           [email protected]

# Lions Clubs International
# Empower Lions Clubs
# Theoretical and Practical
# ALTRUISTIC+ Social Enterprise
# 台灣利他資源整合社會企業